Sunday, November 10, 2013

Random things I bet you don't know about me...

  It seems to me that those of us who blog can sometimes be misread. Since we can write and we tend to write about the good things in our life- somehow people get the idea that we have it altogether! And that my friend is so far from the truth- so to set the record straight I'm going to post some random things about me that you may or may not know-
1)I don't enjoy outside work, like gardening & pulling weeds
2)I like bookkeeping, office work, planning budgets, crunching numbers, and doing things with money etc more than cooking or cleaning
3)I don't like having tons of "stuff", to me- closets were meant to be empty, not full of storage
4)Sometimes I'm a little too independent 
5)I don't always think that Dutch has his ducks in a row, and there are times I think I could manage things better than he can😉
6)My fridge is pretty unorganized sometimes 
7) I like to start projects, but I often quit before the project is finished
8)I procrastinate and wait till the last minute far too often
9) Some people's first impression of me is that I'm snobby
10) I get upset at my kids 
11) I struggle to find quiet time w/ God on a daily basis 
12) Mornings are not my strong point
13) I don't always get my laundry folded on the day I washed it
14) The hubby says that I snore sometimes😊
15) Mis-pronounced words really bother me
16) I don't enjoy meeting new people
17) I don't like to bundle up in the winter, hubby often has to remind me to wear a coat- I just don't like that bulky feeling
18) It's hard for me to delegate work to people because its hard for me to "explain" in detail what I want them to do. 
19) While I WANT to eat healthy- some of my favorite foods are junk food!!
20) I despise exercise- I'd rather cut out the sweets than do any kind of workout!!
  So there you have 20 random things about me, that show that I'm very human and I don't have it altogether!! And you know what? I'm ok with that!! But  I'm NOT OK with people having a false impression of me😊.....

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The withered hand...

  There's a story in the Bible about a man that Jesus healed. The healing took place at the synagogue, in front of the ever scrutinizing eyes of the self righteous Pharisees. It was the Sabbath no less, and the man that was healed suffered from a withered hand. In the story the Pharisees were watching carefully to see if Jesus was going to heal on the Sabbath, which is exactly what He did. BUT the part of the story I'd like to take a close look at is the man that was healed. He was in somewhat of a tough spot. See, first of all, you have to realize the rejection he could face by reaching for his miracle. You know how it was- if the Pharisees didn't like you, well, you were pretty much toast. They had the power and authority to have you thrown out of the synagogue, never to return. They had the power to turn the people against you. They were downright evil at times. So the man in the story is risking a lot by acknowledging that he had a disability. He could have chosen to pretend that nothing was wrong. He could have kept his withered hand hidden and only showed his good hand. He could have decided today is not the time or place to get healed, and be made whole. BUT HE DIDN'T!!! When Jesus said stretch out your hand- he did just that, he took the chance right there among the leaders who supposedly "had it all together". He exposed his withered hand- which is basically saying "I don't have it all together, I'm not perfect- but I know you can make me whole Jesus"!! "I am willing to risk it all to be healed- even if I'm the only person in this wrong that is not perfect, even if it costs me everything, I want to be set free"!!! And Jesus did just that, He healed him on the spot.
  What a lesson!! If we want to be whole, not just physically, but spiritually- are we willing to show that we have a withered hand? Even if it means doing it in front of someone we think has it all together. You  see, his healing came when he exposed his hand, when he acknowledge that he wasn't perfect. 
  Are we willing to be that vulnerable?? Or will we shove our crippled hand in our pocket and say, "It's not that bad, I can live like this." When in reality we're crippled and there are parts of us that are useless because we always have to keep them hidden. How long are we going to hide our "withered hands", our sins, our pain-  when Jesus really wants to heal us!! I believe that being set free is worth the risk! And we will be so much more effective in the kingdom!!!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

I wished He'd speak audibly, BUT

 As the kids and I were reading our Bible bedtime story about David when he was running from King Saul, we got into a discussion about "hearing the voice of God". In the story several times David asked God what he should do in a certain situation, and God would answer him. The question that the kids and I had was, "Was God speaking audibly to David, or was it a response where David just knew in his heart what the answer was"?? Of course we all agreed that we wish that God would speak audibly, out loud like we talk to each other.
  Now in reality, I know God speaks in different ways- sometimes it's visions or dreams, sometimes it's an inner voice AND yes, sometimes people actually hear Him talk out loud. I find myself wishing tho, that on a daily basis we could converse with Him like Adam & Eve did in the garden, where He came & chatted face to face w/ them. BUT then the next question is- would we take the TIME if we would had that opportunity?? Because really that's the real question- if God would be willing to sit & talk audibly to me, would I stop in my busy day & chat with Him?? Some days I'm so busy w/ kids, laundry, cleaning, cooking and a hundred other things that I forget to start my day in the most important way- w/ God. 
 The truth is that it's not so much about whether he's going to speak audibly, but rather its about me making the time to come to a quiet place. It's about making time for what's important, then if God shows up and speaks audibly- wonderful!!! And if He doesn't, I will be satisfied because His Holy Spirit will show up & "speak" to my heart & I will be refreshed because I TOOK THE TIME to be in His presence!!!!!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Haft LIFE and Other Tidbits...

 Oh my! Where has time gone?  I know it has been ages since I've written a post, mostly because I've been busy and partly because I haven't had some burning topic to write about. So I decided to just sit and start typing, hopefully I can give you an update as well as some encouraging words along the way.
 Summer has been busy here!! We have served lots of people- married people, singles, pastors & wives, etc. Many people came looking for a quiet place to get away, and to spend time with the Heavenly Father. Some came and wanted counseling/coaching (Dan & Connie often get the counseling job around here, they're gifted in that area). We also had several engaged couples come to spend time in prayer, etc. before the big day. All of our guests were served to the best of our abilities.
 We have also been part of ministry off-site of the Haft as well- Dutch made two trips to Somerset prison this year to share with the growing church behind bars. We've also made several trips to Lanc. for weddings where Dutch had the oppurtunity to preach. Dutch & I are always looking for ways to speak into peoples lives (not necessarily preaching, but engaging in peoples lives in general) so when we have oppurtunity to do ministry outside of here we're willing to consider traveling to do so because they are open doors to share the love of Christ.
 As things are slowing down a bit, I find myself taking a deep breath. I've enjoyed the past two Saturdays where I had no guests to be responsible for, and no where that I had to be. I could just enjoy "being" here at the Haft- not "doing" much of anything!! But of course the not "doing" anything will be short lived, since I have a 10 wk. count down to Baby #5!! I find it interesting that with my first born child I had everything well prepared in advance- the nursery was set up in plenty of time, and every item was NEW!! Well Baby #5 will have a place to sleep by the time it arrives, but probably not too many days before... and all of Baby #5's equipment (crib, changing table, car seat, swing, & etc.) will be in USED condition. But that's ok, we will LOVE this child just as much as we did our first one :):)!!!
 As for the ministry this fall- well fall and winter, I'm sure, will be somewhat of an "off season" for us. But that provides a great oppurtunity to plan events, retreats etc. for 2014. I hope to have dates for some of those events posted in the near future. IMPACT was a mentoring program that Dutch & Dan were working on for Sept. 2013-Aug. 2014, but since they didn't have enough applicants for the Aug. 1 deadline, they decided to postpone that program for this year. They are tweaking it and hope to offer it again sometime in the future. We do, currently, offer adventure trips through the Haft through our DARE program- in fact, one such trip will be going to the Adirondacks this Friday. Last I checked there was still room available for a few more people. These trips are designed to take you out of your comfort zone, into a different enviroment, where you can experience a time of personal growth and development. Each trip is led by an experienced guide with wilderness trip training. If you have a group of guys or a group of Father's & sons that would like to do this kind of a trip- contact us at the Haft and Dan Lapp would be happy to help you customize your trip. There are a variety of trips to choose from- such as backpacking, hiking, canoeing, etc.
 This post is becoming more of a letter, so I'm guessing I should wrap it up soon. I just want to had a few words of encouragement...  Life is about so much more than our earthly eyes can see. God is at work in His Kingdom and that is what we as Christains should be looking to be a part of. We get our eyes fixed on everyday living, and earthly kingdoms, but God's work is so much more than that. It's about living and seeking Him and His Kingdom- it's about knowing what God created you to be doing on this earth. It's operating in the gifts and abilities He's given you... and doing it for His purposes. Oh that we would grasp the overall picture- the BIG picture, and be a part of it!!!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Fisher family update...

This is a letter I wrote to send as a newsletter. I'm posting it electronically for those of you that aren't on our personal mail list. Those of you that are on the mailing list will receive a hard copy of this in the mail in a week or two.... 

1 Haft Lane ~ New Albany PA. 18833

Greetings once again from the Fisher family~
Just a letter to update you on our lives here at “The Haft”!! God is good all the time and all the time God is good!!! Yes, there are days that we lose sight of what God is doing. And yes, there are days we become weary in well doing, but the richness of what God is doing in our lives and the lives of the ones that we serve, far outweighs the bad days!! It seems like we’ve had a lot of people in and out here lately. Some are good friends of ours that we love to spend time with and encourage on their “life journey”. Others that have come are looking for a quiet place of rest, and they enjoy having a quiet time with the Father, seeking direction for their lives.
Several exciting things that are happening here- DARE Wilderness Trips and IMPACT Discipleship Institute are programs that we are now offering through the Haft. DARE trips are short wilderness trips that we custom design for your group. The goal of these trips are to build character and draw closer to the Father through the wilderness and the great outdoors. IMPACT is a year long mentoring program that consists of monthly events throughout the year. It consists of weekend classes at the Haft, a hiking trip, hands on experience such as a prison crusade and a trip to Asia.
As for our personal lives- juggling all our responsibilities such as showing hospitality to guests, working together on the administrative duties, working on program development, plus raising a family provide a continuous platform for ridding ourselves of any and all things in our lives that are not from God. While many think we have endless hours of family time, there is a great deal of sacrifice on our part as well. Any time you’re serving others, you sacrifice your own time. Let me put it this way- we have to be “intentional” about creating family time here, we have to schedule it!! And once in a while we get to do something really special like father/son 2 day canoeing trips!! J
There are ways that you can help us at the Haft. You can be a daily prayer partner for us. Praying specifically for Gods presence to be on this place, that every person that sets foot on this property will feel His presence. Pray for safety for all the on-site team (there are 12 children on this property). Another way that you can help is by partnering with us. Financial support for us personally is huge. Its what enables us to do what we’re doing. Yes, Dutch has the option of getting a job several days a week, but at this point we see that taking away from the ministry we are trying to build. God has provided in amazing ways, and we trust He will continue to provide as long as He’s called us here to serve!!
The Fishers - Dutch, Rosa, ShaLyn, Madison, MaKayla, Gabby and Baby #5

Monday, June 24, 2013

The fox & the chickens...

 We HAD chickens. 27 hens, 7 peeps, and 1 rooster to be exact. One day, not too long ago, ShaLyn informed us that she had only counted 18 hens that day. It seems our chickens were disappearing. It was decided, in order to stop further elimination of our chicken population, that we would need to be more proactive in closing the barn door every night. Simple solution!!! But foxes, which we believe was/is the culprit, have a way of getting in places that not every critter can. Our chicken disappearing problem continues....
  Let spiritualize this-
The barn, where our chickens are housed, is like a persons soul. Similarly they both have areas that have not been secured, openings where the foxes can come in. The fox represents the devil, the enemy of our soul. Just like our fox here that has access to the barn because we have left doors open and there are holes in the barn, the devil has access to areas in our life because we have not closed doors. Areas of pain in our lives that are unhealed are an open door. Generational curses passed down through the family are open doors. There are many different areas that if they're not taken care of by the authority given in Jesus name and curses that have not been broken off in Jesus name, can become a stronghold for "the fox". And day after day he'll come back to "the barn" and continue to steal your "chickens". He'll steal your joy, your identity, your freedom in Christ, anything he can. BUT- we have the opportunity to "clean house" and sure up the barn. We can tear down the strongholds in Jesus name, close the doors that we've opened by our sinful choices etc, and break off the generational curses. That way when the fox returns we can stand back and watch as he tries to get in the barn, only to discover that we have  a new strategy. He no longer has the rite of passage into our "barn". We've been made whole, we've sealed the entrance and we've closed all the little holes!! What a victory to see that fox turn and walk away with his tail between his legs!!!

Monday, June 3, 2013

the Father's Presence

  I read a quote by Oswald Chambers today- "Peace is not the absence of trouble but the presence of God". So, true peace is found in God's presence. That is where I SO long to be, in the Father's presence. That way, no matter what is going on around me, whether it's life in general, my housework, the things piled on my desk that need attention, my children- no matter what, I am at peace because of the Father's presence in my life. I am convinced that we do not come into Father's presence by chance, I believe we choose, and we are intentional about being in that place. Busyness keeps us from the Fathers presence!! And you would think that living at a place like the Haft, that I would have ALL the time in the world to "sit at the feet of Jesus". Afterall, some people think we really don't have much to do here in these hills (ha! guess again). But I struggle every day to set aside time to come into the Father's presence. When I refer to the Father's presence, I'm not just refering to morning devotions. I'm speaking of "falling prostrate at His feet" & asking the Father to come, to fill you with a peace that passeth all understanding. I'm refering to LISTENING for that still small voice, the one that guides us into all truth. The Father's presence is that place where there is no time, no space. It's the place where you feel His nearness, you feel His heartbeat, & you want to stay.
  Maybe the idea of what I'm trying to say here is foreign to you. Maybe you think I've gone off the deep end. You're thinking that that kind of thing "isn't for this day"!! But I believe that those who do not understand these things I'm talking about, may find it very diffucult to stand strong in this crazy world. When push comes to shove, when times get hard, it will be those who can run to the safety of the Father's arms that will stand strong until the very end.
  Learn to embrace your Heavenly Father as though He were right beside you. Start your day by inviting the Father, through His Holy Spirit, to help you understand the things you read in scripture. Then take some time to be absolutely quiet in His presence, allow Him to speak to your heart. At first it may feel awkward, you may think that He didn't say anything... but continue to invite Him & listen. Eventually you will hear Him, feel Him & bask in His presence!!!! When that happens, you will find peace like you have never known.

Friday, May 24, 2013

LOVE THIS!!! Hawk Nelson: Words [Official Lyric Video]

Love love this song!!!
Truly the cry of my heart right now, especially with my children!! Words can build you up & they truly can break you down....

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Sometimes I Wonder....

On one particular frustrating day, my daughter sat down & put her thoughts on paper in the form of a poem/song... she wrote it all in a short amount of time & I only helped her with 2 lines. It really comes from her heart~

Sometimes I Wonder

Sometimes I wonder why I can't get my way
Sometimes I wonder why did I have this bad day
Sometimes I wonder why I was made

But then I remember Your words
And I know I have a purpose
And the best is yet to come
And You will come back some day-

Sometimes I wonder why I am here
Sometimes I wonder if you are near
Sometimes I wonder why I can't hear you

Sometimes I wonder about all that you said
Sometimes I wonder about it in bed
Sometimes worry fills my head

But then I remember Your words
And I know I have a purpose
And the best is yet to come
And You will come back some day-

Written by: ShaLyn Fisher 2013

Thursday, April 18, 2013

My son is hilarious...

Madison is so funny. His understanding & use of phrases and big words can be pretty hilarious at times. He said two "doozies" (that's what we call em around here) when we were in FL. & I've got to write them down before I forget.
The first one was when he & ShaLyn were having a discussion or disagreement rather in the back of the Suburban on our way home from the beach. After letting them go for a while I finally said something like- "Hey you two, what's going on back there"...???
To which Madison replied- "Oh never mind mom, it's just a DOMESTIC argument".
Say what???
Of course we all cracked...
And only a short while later, during the same drive home, they got to discussing a math problem. Madison said that 12x5=60 & Shay disagreed saying its 70. So they finally decide to settle it and ask me. I did the calculation in my mind & agreed with Madison. And he says- "See Shay I knew I was right, I have a 'working relationship with my math problems'.
A working relationship with his math problems??...
Where does he come up with this stuff??
Funny funny kid:):):)

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Take Time to Feel His Presence-

It is on lovely spring days like this that I absolutely love this place that God has entrusted to us!! How can one not feel His Presence here- the gentle waters of the pond & stream, the mountains surrounding us, & the wild life (turkeys in our front yard this morning):):) It is so peaceful. And while I'm here enjoying these surroundings, I think of people who are busy, & burned out, people who are serving the Lord but are longing for a quiet place to rest & refresh, and I wish that I could bring them here even if its only for a couple days. I would want them to come & feel the presence of Jesus, and rest.
So if you can't make the trip to the Haft to find your rest, I encourage you to do so somewhere. You can do it in your home if you can stop thinking of all your work;). Just stop & come into the presence of Jesus. Take time to worship him in spirit, allow yourself to be transported to that place where there is no time. Curl up on Jesus lap & rest- & receive His love, let it surround you & fill you with peace!!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A Different Angle....

Ever getting tired of reading the Bible in the "usual" way? By usual I mean reading over it & trying to apply it to your life, but sometimes feeling like the meaning of it is over your head. Well one of the exercises we did at our training in Myrtle Beach was to take a passage of scripture such as Psalms 23 & write it down from a different angle. We personalized it as tho it were written from us talking to our Heavenly Father. I will write my version of that here for you, then I encourage you to take a passage of scripture & personalize it. And see how it speaks to you!! Here's my personalized version of Psalms 23-
1) Father God you are my Shepherd, you are my provider, you supply for my needs.
2) You cause me to refresh in lush places, you lead me to places of rest beside the quiet waters, & my soul is refreshed by you my Father, my Abba, my daddy.
3) You guide me in the right path, the path you want me to go for your names sake, so people can see you- the Father.
4) And Father even when I walk through the darkest valley, the dry places, I don't have to fear because you are right there with me. Your rod & your staff are comforting to me.
5) You Father, prepare a table for me right among my enemies. You've anointed me & called me, my cup overflows with your love.
6) Surely your goodness & your amazing love will be with me all my days and I will dwell with you forever.
Isn't it cool how personal that makes it when you write it from a different angle. I believe there is so much more to reading, understanding, & personalizing scripture than what I have done over the years. I'm excited to see how God will use this to speak to me.... And I encourage you to give it a try!!!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Ladies Retreat

Ladies!! Please get your name in ASAP if you are planning to attend the ladies retreat at the Haft in April. This is on a "first come, first serve" basis, so I need to hear from you...
Email me at-
Or call me at- 717.278.7115 or leave me a message at 570.363.2405

I need your full name, phone number & email address ( if you have one)

Also here's a little more info about our speaker-

Mary Wilson, pastors alongside her husband of 28 years, Patrick Wilson, at Living Truth Fellowship in Christiana, PA.  She oversees the women's ministry, intercession,and the  children's ministry.  
Presently, Mary's call is to "Awaken Hope" in all people and in every circumstance.  She imparts hope through the ministry of healing and faith.  She has a deep passion for the Word of God and preaches from a platform of freedom.   
Patrick and Mary reside in Gap, Pennsylvania.  They have a married son, and a daughter in college.  They are currently enjoying the blessing of grandchildren.  

And the retreat sessions are as follows-
Session 1.  Seeds of Hope
Session 2.  Blossoms of Hope
Session 3.  Harvest of Hope

Sunday, March 17, 2013

He restored my soul...

First of all, I have never been separated from ALL four of my kids for more than two ( or maybe 3) nights at the most. So last week was a new experience for all of us. Leaving the children at a sitter for the whole week was a stretch for me, but it was actually a good thing. Absence does really make the heart grow fonder!! Thanks to Noah & Suzie Zook (in S. Carolina) for unselfishly caring for our children while we enjoyed our training week at Myrtle Beach. We experienced a much needed soul refreshment.
I don't know how to even sum up what we experienced last week, but I'll try to wrap a few words around it- We had times of teaching by Steve where he explained how things work in our spirit & soul areas. He talked about strongholds & lies we believe from the enemy. We had times of listening to each others journeys (there were 13 couples at this training). We laughed & cried together. We experienced "church" in a new way. We prayed & worshipped together, ministered to each other, fought the enemy together, exposed ourselves, & tore down strongholds. We learned that we are all swordsmen. And there was a "call" for everyone of us to carry our "swords" & learn how to use them without hurting people, to cut the chains off of the people around us without cutting them. And there was a call to the "lion hearted" to take back their rightful place, to lead, & not be led astray by "Jezebel".
Along with the times of teaching & ministering, we had the afternoons off to rest. Dutch & I took the opportunity to enjoy each others company, relax on the beach, & even took a cruise to get Starbucks a time or two😃:)!! This week long experience was so refreshing & I can truly say as the psalmist says- "He restoreth my soul"!!! Hallelujah!!!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Ladies Retreat

Ladies Retreat at the Haft
April 26th & 27th
Arrival time 6-8 pm Friday – Departure at 5:00 pm Saturday

Awakening Our Hearts to Hope”

Guest Speaker ~ Mary Wilson

Come away to the hills of PA. for a retreat. Drink in the beauty of nature. Hear from our “Spirit led” speaker. Take time to refresh your soul & be awakened.

Retreat Includes~
Teaching Sessions
Ministry/Prayer Time
Lodging & Food

You will need to provide your own transportation,
carpooling is encouraged!!!

Cost per person - $50
Price includes food & lodging. A love offering will be lifted for the speaker.

For more information or to sign up...
Contact – Rosa Fisher

Monday, March 4, 2013

Build with the Gold...

  For our school Bible reading the other morning we were reading in 1 Cor. 3 where Paul talked to the Corinthians, and he is rather disgusted with them because they are getting caught up in following man. They were saying stuff like "I follow Paul" & others said "I follow Apollos". And Paul is telling the people, "Look Apollos & I are just servants & we are each assigned our tasks. I planted the seed, Apollos watered, but it was GOD who made it grow." And he goes on to say- So its not about the one that planted or watered, but only GOD who makes it grow. Which is so very true & so often we get things all mixed up & think its about us and our abilities etc. etc.
  However, if you continue reading, Paul says the one that waters & and the one that plants have a PURPOSE, & they will be rewarded according to their labor. Because we are CO-WORKERS in GOD'S (not ours) service, you are GOD'S FIELD, GOD'S building.  And he talks about how he (Paul) laid a foundation which is Jesus, & another man will build on that foundation- he might build with gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay, or straw. And he says, "Their work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, & the fire will test the quality of each persons work." OK let me try to sum up what I got out of this, I'm sure there are many different takes on it. But it spoke to me because it was a reminder that everything we do ultimately comes down to GOD. We can't take credit for what we do or the people we help because we are all just servants with jobs to do & that job is to lead people to the Father. And how we go about that, or whether we do our job well or not (remember the gold, silver, hay etc.) is going to show up down the road because the Day will reveal it. So we can choose to put our hearts & minds into what He's called us to do & we can give our best (which to me is the gold & silver) or we can choose to do things half heartedly and  we can try to receive the honor & glory for ourselves (which is the wood, hay & straw), but our motives will be revealed!!
  When I read this to my children, my eyes were opened & I was enlightened!! And it made me want to "go for the gold". It gave me a desire to bless every single person we get to host here, and go out of my way to serve them. I want to do things well & I realize I/we are only a small part of the big picture!!  I can choose to serve well whether its washing linens, cooking for guests or just encouraging people-
I need to do it all for GOD & and build with the GOLD....

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Just an update~

This blog post is actually a newsletter I wrote to send out by mail. I am waiting to send it until I have my "prayer cards" made, so in the mean time, I am sending it out electronically. Some of you will be receiving this same letter by hard copy in the mail in a week or two...

~ Fisher Family News ~
Dear Friends-
It is with great joy that I write this letter!! We are back in the Endless Mts. of PA. & it feels like home. We are back at the Haft & it feels right. I will say this tho, we are here in a completely different role & that part will take some getting used to. Dutch, who knows carpentry well, is slightly out of his element working on the computer & studying P&L reports. So his new position is stretching him. His task also inludes decision making, keeping Dan & Jason busy with on-site jobs, & doing other administrative tasks. On top of that he is seeking the Lord for wisdom to direct this ministry in the way He (the Lord) would have us go. Somebody quoted this the other week & I like it- “from small beginnings, come great things”!! So we are excited about how the Lord is going to use us, our on-site team, & the Haft itself to bring honor & glory to Him.
A little bit about the Haft. The word “Haft” means “the handle of a tool” and it also means “a dwelling like place”. Our motto is refresh, rebuild, retool. This is a place where people can come & feel the presence of Jesus. A peaceful place of rest & refreshing. Our facilities have many uses, they are being used for retreats, for individuals who are seeking direction in their lives, & for sabbaticals etc. And currently we are working to develop a discpleship & mentoring program that we can offer to young people. So as Dutch & Dan meet together, & seek the Lord, we ask you to partner with us in prayer that God will go before us to lead the way.
Looking ahead- for us personally we have a busy month of March. We are planning to leave here on March 8th & travel to Noah & Suzie Zook friends of ours in South Carolina. We will be leaving our children with our friends & driving 3 ½ hrs to Myrtle Beach to a week long “Discpleship Training” course taught by Steve & Dorcas Stutzman. After this intense week of training we will head back to our friends house to re-unite with our children. From there we will head further south to the SUNSHINE state where we will be taking a 10 day family vacation in Florida. You might ask why we would take a vacation so soon after we've arrived here, but the trip was planned back in 2012, before we knew we were moving back to the Haft. We considered cancelling the vacation, but decided against that, knowing we would probably need it following our training week in Myrtle Beach.
We covet your prayers! The following are areas you can pray about- Pray for Dutch & Dan as they develop a discipleship program, for safety for all of the on-site team, & pray for our family personally as we travel many miles in the month of March!! Also be in prayer that God will provide finacially for our needs personally & for the Haft itself. This is again a journey of faith for us. We have a budget that we try to live by. And we receive a small monthly stipend from the Haft, & a rent check from our home in Lancaster but beyond that we trust Jesus to provide in whatever creative ways He chooses. If He chooses you & impresses it on your heart to give, our address is at the bottom of the page. Gifts given on our behalf are tax deductible if they are made payable to “The Haft” & should be noted “for the Fishers” on a seperate piece of paper. Any gifts made payable to “the Haft” but are not specifically marked will go into the Haft general fund. Gifts can be made payable to us directly, but are NOT tax deductible.
Thank you for taking the time to read our update!!
If you're interested in keeping up to date with our lives you may read our personal blog...

Blessings as you serve Jesus right where He has called you,
Elmer (Dutch), Rosa, ShaLyn, Madison, MaKayla, & Gabby

1 Haft Lane ~ New Albany PA. 18833

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Matthew's Begats

  The kiddos & I have been memorizing this song for school the past week!! I love the tune of it, but more than that I love the fact that God chose to bring Jesus to this world through a rather "messy" family line. Now it may seem funny to say that, but if Jesus would have come from a pretty "perfect" line, what would that say for the rest of us. I believe God clearly demonstrated through Jesus' genealogy that He can use anyone, in any family, with any kind of past. For instance in Jesus family line you have Rahab a harlot, Ruth a Moabite (check out how the Moabites came to be), Solomon who came from David's wife Bathsheba who actually came to BE his wife because David had her husband Urriah put on the front lines of the battle to have him killed because he (David) committed adultery  with her (Bathsheba). Messy messy stuff. And that is just naming a few of the details, a thorough study of OT history would fill you in all on the details. So as my children & I discussed this it was so neat to see them connect with what I was telling them & Madison said, "I didn't realize that Jesus came from that kind of a family line". We talked about the "imperfect" people that God chose to use & how we're thankful that we serve that kind of a God!!! Because even "good" people are "imperfect"  in God's eyes so in reality those of us who think we are "better than" the harlot or the adulterer because we have never done that stuff, are still sinners just the same. We need a Savior whether we grew up "good" or "messed up"! Discovering that truth is so foundational, & important because it's what keeps us from becoming "self righteous"!!!!!
My conclusion- God wants to use ALL of us for His glory & He will, when we realize it's all about HIM  & not about who we are!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

How did we end up back here...

  Someone once said that "if you go to bed with something on your mind, & you wake up with it on your mind, perhaps you need to find out why it's there, & what God is trying to say"!! In July of 2012 Dutch & I both started talking about returning to the Haft. We talked about it when we went to bed, & when we got up in the morning. On top of that, Dutch was dealing with a decision concerning selling his partnership in his construction business, Twin-Mar Const. His business partner proposed a change in the set-up of the partnership from 50/50 to 75/25. Dutch began to think about that, and he wondered if God was speaking to him through his business partner. Was God telling us it was time to cut more ties & seek something else that He had in mind?? We prayed about it, & talked about it. And we reached a decision- we would sell our share, closing one door to see what God would open next. Not long after our decision to sell Twin-Mar, we found out that Bruce & Joan Boydell (directors at the Haft) felt that it was time to move back to their home in West Chester. They were not sure why they felt a restlessness at the Haft, but they felt like God was saying move on even if their are no directors to take your place. They set a date in Oct. to move back home. Wow! So there was an open door for us. We could take their place, & move back to the house we lived in a year ago. But of course there was doubt. Dutch said, "I don't think I'm qualified for the job". And were we really supposed to come back only a year after we left?? We prayed about it, thought about it. Then one evening when Dutch was with a group of guys that he was leading in a Bible study he told them that he was carrying a burden, a decision he needed to make. He said "guys, right now I'm laying this down. I'm not going to wrestle with this anymore. I'm willing to let go." The very next day he came home from work & said- "We're going". As it turns out, Jason & Carolyn Stoltzfus were also praying about the Haft. They were here in July with their church leadership team for a weekend of prayer & seeking the Lord. During that time Jason's connected with the Haft & felt a sense of belonging here. After seeking the Lord, & seeking the blessing of their church where they were youth leaders, they decided to move here in Nov. They have commited to one yr. Their role here is first of all, to refresh from their busy life in Lanc. as youth leaders, refocus where they're heading, & also to serve as part of the on-site team. Jason does maintenance around here etc. And Carolyn helps out where needed with cleaning, cooking, etc. Plus they homeschool just like we do, & and that can be a full time job in itself.
  There is also a third couple living here- Dan & Connie Lapp. The story of how they came to be here is also another interesting one, but I won't take the time to share it. They moved here in Jan. of 2012 several wks after we left. They came here for a time to refresh after after living & working at Camp Andrews for 6 years. Their original plan was to be here for 9 months. When the time came to decide where the Lord wanted them to go from here, they felt that God wanted them to stay.
  So you might ask- "what are we actually doing at the Haft??" Well let me start by saying that when we came here the first time we (Dutch & I) knew exactly what we were supposed to do. Dutch, who knows carpentry well, was committed to refresh the facilities here. He used his carpentry skills nearly every day here. He remodeled the entire barn where the guests sleep plus remodeled the house we live in. We were also coached by Bruce & Joan during that time. Now coming back as directors, & looking at the ministry side of it, it looks quite different. Our job is to oversee the on-site team, along with scheduling, fundraising, & administrating. It will certainly stretch us. We also feel the responsibility of "making it happen" here. We have a great place to serve people, but if we don't have people to serve, then what?? Bruce's original vision here 5 years ago when they first began to re-build this ministry was to reach leaders who needed a place to go to refresh, retool, & rebuild. The idea was to make this a place where you could come during a sabbatical, or if you were in transition you could come here to seek direction from the Lord. We still feel that the Haft can be used in that kind of way, & Bruce & Joan are willing to come here onsite short term to walk with leaders or individuals in that kind of way should we have those kinds of clients. Bruce has the credentials for that very thing.  However, we personally feel that with the staff that we have here now, we are more geared to walk with people in a discpling/mentoring role. And not just leaders necessarily, but young people & couples. Dan & Connie also have some experience counseling  & dealing with heart issues. Along with that, Dutch & Dan have some of the same heartbeat when it comes to the young folks in Lancaster Co. & abroad. They see the need for them to be guided, & for them to establish purpose in their lives.  Also in the future we will be hosting some retreats here. Right now we are looking at doing a weekend retreat in Feb., using the series "Embracing the Father's Love" by Jack Frost as our topic. I'm also praying about a ladies retreat (possibly in April), where I will have a speaker come & share. The retreats that we as a staff facilitate here will be open to anyone that wants to come. And of course dates & details will be posted in the future.
  I will wrap up this lengthy post by saying, "We don't know what all God wants to do through us here at the Haft. But we are excited about all the potential." And let me add, we love hosting people here. We love to encourage people. So you're welcome to come, take some time off you're busy schedule, & we'll sit & chat. Even if you think you're coming to "visit & bless us", we look at every person that steps on this property as someone we can encourage & serve. Just so you know- you become "ministry material" when you set foot on this place. We look forward to seeing YOU here.