Monday, September 12, 2011

What's Your Life Purpose

  Ever wonder why on earth you were created? Ever stop to think that maybe, just MAYBE there was a plan for your being here? What specific plan did God have in mind for you before the foundations of the world were made?? Well I can't tell YOU what God's special plan is for your life, but I can certainly search & find what I'm here for. This has been some of the things we've been talkin' about in our weekly coaching sessions. And let me clarify one thing- when I say what have we been called to, I'm not necessarily talkin' about Dutch being called to the ministry & preaching. I'm talking about a "life mission". What are we as a couple & indiviually designed to do to serve God's purpose here on earth. For instance, Dutch is a one-on-one kind of guy. He loves to encourage people. He loves to help people, & if that means getting up in the middle of the night to pick you up somewhere, he will most likely do it. These things come natural for Dutch & when he operates in these things, He feels the pleasure of God. He feels fulfilled. Now me, I'm not geared in that same area, but I'm willing to support him in his calling. Sometimes that means giving up an evening with the family to allow Dutch to meet with someone that wants to share with him. On more than one occassion it meant allowing him to go pick up family or friends at midnight because their vehicle broke down or because they needed a ride. If he can help & encourage people in practical ways, he is in his element. Like I said, this is not my strong area. And sometimes it's easy to just sit back & allow him to excel in his gift & not pursue what God's "life mission" is for me. BUT I think EACH person has a gift & we're all supposed to use it. I like to write, I'm also a promoter, if I believe in something I will be verbal & tell you about it (not sure that that is always such a gift :)). I don't mind public speaking (most of the time) & Dutch says I could sell ice to an Eskimo... well we won't go there- BUT I write all this to say, God had somethng special in mind for every one of us. We were not meant to just "live" our lives for ourselves, but for a greater purpose. You are geared the way you are for a reason, now some of who we've become has been affected by pain in our lives & those are things we need to deal with in order to reach our full potential. But I'm realizing the importance of seeing what you're good at, & what is that makes you feel like you're being useful and then "Live that out everyday". We think admitting that we're good at something or that we enjoy doing something is bragging but that isn't necessarily true. If you're gifted in a certain area- then be all you can be in that. Don't hide who you are & what you're called to be- "find out what you're called to, & live it"!!!

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