If you put your fingers on your eyes and held them closed part way, you would get an idea of how much Gracie sees. At our most recent visit with the ophthalmologist, the Dr. explained that at 8 wks along in the womb, the part of the eye that forms at that stage of gestation, simply didn't develop like it was supposed. So when he looks into Gracie's eyes, what would typically be a healthy eye, is in Gracie's case- undeveloped tissue. They call this coloboma. In her case, the coloboma is extensive, meaning that over half of her eyes are of no use to her. She would be considered "legally blind", but let me clarify that a person can be "legally blind" and still see something. So let me try to say this in a way that makes sense- Gracie can see, but the vision she has is not even half of what you and I have. And I don't know how clear or blurry it is. No surgery will correct it. Glasses may be a help down the road, but that is yet to be determined. Only a miracle from God will correct Gracie's eye sight.
It breaks my heart when I think about how little she sees. I do, however; choose to pick out the positive things like- she could be completely blind, but she's not!! or the fact that this is all she knows from birth so her brain and other senses will make up for her poor eyesight. I believe she will use her mind to do amazing things!!
As for our medical expenses with Gracie- someone asked recently what kind of coverage we have for all of Gracie's Dr. visits etc. Several months ago we were told by "Early Intervention" that we would most likely qualify for the PA Medical Assistance Program. We weren't sure at first if we should apply or not, but after asking several people and talking to parents of special needs children that are part of the program, we decided to apply. And because of Gracie's diagnosis she qualified. The next step was to insure that the Dr.'s we've been seeing were on the list of caregivers on the program. Thankfully they were, so all of Gracie's medical bills have been paid by the state or by the sharing program (Samaritan Ministries) that we are apart of. We are so grateful for this!! So for us personally, the only expense that we've had (and trust me it does add up) is the cost of travelling back and forth to Lanc or Delaware (DuPont Hospital) for her appts and check-ups. We try to make our trips count, and work around other plans or events that we may already scheduled to go to Lanc. for. Unfortunately, it doesn't ALWAYS work out that way.
We appreciate all the prayers on our behalf. And for all who truly care. It is our desire that Gracie's story, and her life be a testimony of God's goodness and faithfulness. Continue to believe with us for miracles for Gracie's life!!!!