Monday, March 27, 2017

Your Story

  We've been around enough of people in the last 5 yrs and heard so many stories of brokenness and pain that I can honestly say nothing surprises me anymore. We've heard about abuse, we've heard people's deepest secrets, their fears and their addictions. We've had the privilege of praying with, listening to, and walking with these people. We've seen captives set free and we've witnessed demonic deliverance. We have learned ALOT. 

  EVERYONE has a story, some are more broken then others. Everyone deals with their brokenness differently. Some people shut down emotional, and lots of people go into survival mode, others become religious. And in their brokenness they hurt other people. It's actually kind of a crazy cycle. The devil loves it. He loves to set people on a course where they will self destruct. If he can just get you to believe one lie... he can do a lot of damage. 

  The awesome thing is that God is in the redemption business. He can take a mess and turn it into a message, he makes beauty from ashes. Your mess, your story does not need to define you. God is a God of grace- grace that we can't fathom. You can be restored, set free, and victorious. There is hope!!  No sin is too much, no story too broken for our big God. Chances are that God wants to use your story, your brokenness & your healing journey for His purposes. No one has more authority to speak into another person's brokenness than one who has been there themselves. 

  If you are struggling with an addiction, if you have carried a secret for many years, if you just long to be free- find someone that you can confide in. Start walking toward healing & freedom, and then watch what God does with your story. 


Saturday, March 18, 2017

I'm coming back to blog again....

  The Lord has been telling me over & over lately that I need to start blogging again. I keep asking Him, "How do I find the time"? He says, "Make time". So I'm going to try to do just that. 
  One of the issues I have with blogging is how as a blogger I put thoughts, ideas etc on paper and I start to feel like people hold me to a certain standard. So here's my disclaimer- just because I tell you bits and pieces of my life does not mean that I, in any way, shape or form, have it "all together"! In fact, most days I don't have. I may possibly share a victory or triumph with you one day, then fail miserably at it the next. 
  My blog is meant to motivate and inspire. It a place where I can put thoughts and ideas on paper, but please keep in mind that it is only a very small piece of my world. Don't spend your time comparing your life to mine or assume things about me from the little tidbits I share- I only aim to encourage you and share ideas, God stories, and etc. to help you on your life journey. 
  I hope to post once a week, but we'll see how this mother of six does with that goal. At this stage in life with a 3 year old (very typical, yet somewhat "special needs" child) and a 9 month old baby, I don't get much more done than drinking my morning coffee and chasing little people. One day I referred to my life as "beautiful chaos"... and that about sums it up right now!! But I'm convinced that life is what you make it... and the perspective with which you see it. So I'm choosing the high road, choosing to be grateful... ha, that's easier said then done. The truth is that there are days I get extremely frustrated and raise my voice ALOT at my children. I'm thankful for God's grace and that His mercies are new every morning. 
  So before I close this little "I'm coming back to blogging" post, here's my little encouragement for the week-- to anyone out there that is stuck in a rut- don't give up, don't keep making agreements with the enemy that says you don't have what it takes… don't buy the lies!! Be an overcomer!!