There's a story in the Bible about a man that Jesus healed. The healing took place at the synagogue, in front of the ever scrutinizing eyes of the self righteous Pharisees. It was the Sabbath no less, and the man that was healed suffered from a withered hand. In the story the Pharisees were watching carefully to see if Jesus was going to heal on the Sabbath, which is exactly what He did. BUT the part of the story I'd like to take a close look at is the man that was healed. He was in somewhat of a tough spot. See, first of all, you have to realize the rejection he could face by reaching for his miracle. You know how it was- if the Pharisees didn't like you, well, you were pretty much toast. They had the power and authority to have you thrown out of the synagogue, never to return. They had the power to turn the people against you. They were downright evil at times. So the man in the story is risking a lot by acknowledging that he had a disability. He could have chosen to pretend that nothing was wrong. He could have kept his withered hand hidden and only showed his good hand. He could have decided today is not the time or place to get healed, and be made whole. BUT HE DIDN'T!!! When Jesus said stretch out your hand- he did just that, he took the chance right there among the leaders who supposedly "had it all together". He exposed his withered hand- which is basically saying "I don't have it all together, I'm not perfect- but I know you can make me whole Jesus"!! "I am willing to risk it all to be healed- even if I'm the only person in this wrong that is not perfect, even if it costs me everything, I want to be set free"!!! And Jesus did just that, He healed him on the spot.
What a lesson!! If we want to be whole, not just physically, but spiritually- are we willing to show that we have a withered hand? Even if it means doing it in front of someone we think has it all together. You see, his healing came when he exposed his hand, when he acknowledge that he wasn't perfect.
Are we willing to be that vulnerable?? Or will we shove our crippled hand in our pocket and say, "It's not that bad, I can live like this." When in reality we're crippled and there are parts of us that are useless because we always have to keep them hidden. How long are we going to hide our "withered hands", our sins, our pain- when Jesus really wants to heal us!! I believe that being set free is worth the risk! And we will be so much more effective in the kingdom!!!