Wednesday, October 2, 2013

I wished He'd speak audibly, BUT

 As the kids and I were reading our Bible bedtime story about David when he was running from King Saul, we got into a discussion about "hearing the voice of God". In the story several times David asked God what he should do in a certain situation, and God would answer him. The question that the kids and I had was, "Was God speaking audibly to David, or was it a response where David just knew in his heart what the answer was"?? Of course we all agreed that we wish that God would speak audibly, out loud like we talk to each other.
  Now in reality, I know God speaks in different ways- sometimes it's visions or dreams, sometimes it's an inner voice AND yes, sometimes people actually hear Him talk out loud. I find myself wishing tho, that on a daily basis we could converse with Him like Adam & Eve did in the garden, where He came & chatted face to face w/ them. BUT then the next question is- would we take the TIME if we would had that opportunity?? Because really that's the real question- if God would be willing to sit & talk audibly to me, would I stop in my busy day & chat with Him?? Some days I'm so busy w/ kids, laundry, cleaning, cooking and a hundred other things that I forget to start my day in the most important way- w/ God. 
 The truth is that it's not so much about whether he's going to speak audibly, but rather its about me making the time to come to a quiet place. It's about making time for what's important, then if God shows up and speaks audibly- wonderful!!! And if He doesn't, I will be satisfied because His Holy Spirit will show up & "speak" to my heart & I will be refreshed because I TOOK THE TIME to be in His presence!!!!!

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