Friday, April 25, 2014

She's a joy... Keep praying...

  Many people have heard about or read "Gracie's Story". Many people are praying for her and our family, and for that we are so grateful. Gracie is truly a joy at this stage of life. She loves her swing and she loves to be on the floor rolling all around from her belly to back, and back to belly. She has been doing this for several weeks already so it seems like she may be a little ahead for her age in that area. An area that I have noticed that she may be slightly lagging in developmentally is sitting. A simple prayer request is that her back muscles be strengthened so she's able to hold her weight and sit. Other areas that we are praying for Gracie and we invite you to join us are- that her body comes in complete alignment with the WORD of God, that her hearing will be excellent, her heart will have no complications, and we even pray that when they do the lab testing to officially diagnose her with CHARGE syndrome that they won't even find a mutated gene, but that her genes will be perfect in every way. The verse that God has put on my heart recently is that "HE is able to do exceedly, abundantly above all that we can ask or think"!!

We are always looking for the big and "little" things in Gracie's development. The other day she put her hand in front of her face and it truly looked like she was focusing on it and tracking it. These are all huge to a mama & daddy who have been told that their child may not be able to see. 

  We have to spend the better part of Tuesday April 29 at DuPont Hospital in Delaware doing some tests. We will be testing cardio (heart), audio (ears), and medical imaging. We realize that these tests could reveal complications that will require us to make major decisions, but as I mentioned we're praying that God heals and REVEALS things all along the journey. Pray for safe travels, divine appts, and cooperation from Gracie. 

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