Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Putting Heart & Soul Into Our Kids

I have this idea- what if every parent made their family their mission field? What if they made it their goal to raise good moral children to love God, themselves, and others. What if they took parenting REALLY serious? And instead of being focused on themselves, or being busy in their little world, hanging out with their friends, spending too much precious time on the internet, dropping the kids off at babysitters so they can go do their thing w/o the "inconvenience" of the noisy kids, using any means of electronics to be their babysitter... and on and on- what if instead they would stop and see that the little people who have been entrusted to them are a high calling from God and are their responsibility to RAISE?? By raise I mean- teach, admonish (sounds like a word from the Old Testament;)), train, say "No" to sometimes, love, spend time with, set goals with, and talk about things in life that REALLY MATTER.  If we all saw our family as a mission field, wouldn't we need less counselors?? Wouldn't there be less Pastors burned-out? Wouldn't there be less crime? Less bullying? We need counselors because children are growing up neglected, and Pastors are burning out trying to help families that are falling apart, and people are being hateful and committing awful crimes because they are screaming for love and attention.

Okay I realize my message comes a little late in life. America's moral decline has already created such chaos in families that a large percent of this generation is not even capable of raising a family, because they haven't been "raised" themselves. They been neglected, beaten, threatened, mis-treated, and basically destroyed by their busy, uncaring parents or relatives, and "raised" by Hollywood and a plethora of other sources that the enemy has devised to destroy their mind and soul. I get it that my message is a little late. I realize for a large percent of America- it's, it's, well it's almost too late.

But what about the rest of us? Let's bring this back and take a look at those of us who were raised differently then what I described above. I know a lot of us, particularly ones that read this blog, were raised in good homes, functional ones at least. What about us? Are we taking the raising of OUR FAMILIES seriously? We have so much to offer our kids, and our kids are the next generation!!! You can say I'm always talking about the family, and you can write me off completely if you tire of my rants, but it is SOO important that we GET THIS!! If we want children that are going to walk with Jesus (not just know ABOUT Him), kids who are going to stand for Him no matter what they face, and who are not going to get sucked in by everything that the world has to offer- then we better rise to the occasion. We better do things differently. We had better fall to our knees, and parent like we mean it!! I'm not saying I have a certain formula that will create foul proof kids, BUT I know the Word says, " ...a child left to himself, bringeth his mother to shame." Prov. 29:15  In other words if children aren't taught restraint, self-control, and taught that the world doesn't revolve around them, there could be problems down the road. We live in self absorbed world!! Kids need to be taught truth and righteousness at home- not just grow up on Veggie Tales and Sunday School... (not that I am opposed to either of those) but somehow it seems we count on "things" to teach our kids instead of us as parents. There are MANY things out there, some are ever so subtle, that are vying for our kids hearts, focus, and devotion. And it is way too easy to just succumb to whatever gadget works to keep the kids "happy" or "quiet" so we can get our work done.

I also realize that we only have a short time frame to shape our kids and then comes that point where you have to trust God and trust that you did your best, and you have to let them fly. They will have to CHOOSE to embrace to live out what you've taught them. That's why it's so important to put heart and soul into raising and teaching them when they're young. Don't let movies, Hollywood, video games, phones and app, computers and internet be their teachers. Be involved in their lives and their world from little up. Limit the time they spend in front of screens. Pick and choose YOUR friends so your kids will have a godly influence. Be willing to say "No" to things in your own life sometimes if they have a negative influence on your family. Do things to strengthen your marriage so your kids see what it means to make a marriage last. Teach your kids truth. Talk to them about hard things, real life things. Teach them that the world doesn't revolve around them. Give your kids every chance to not only survive, but THRIVE in a crazy world!! And I do realize that the outcome of our children is not solely in our hands, but I'm calling us forth as parents to stand up, to lead, to be strong in the Lord. It takes sacrifice, it takes gut, it takes heart & soul.

Disclaimer: I do not profess to have "THE ANSWERS", nor do I think I myself have it figured out. I am a parent in the thick of it, in the heat of the battle along with you. My goal is to inspire, encourage, and motivate others to not give up. I am a fellow soldier, and I'm cheering for you as a parent.

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